3 Queensberry Avenue, Hillington, Glasgow, G52 4NL

 0141 883 8222


Pretty Muddy 5k!


Last weekend Curtis Moore receptionist, Cathy Carson, took part in Pretty Muddy 5k run at Bellahouston Park to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Pretty Muddy isn’t like any other fundraising event. It is a muddy obstacle course that women of any ability can climb over, crawl under, and charge through to show cancer that hell hath no fury like a woman in pink!
Cathy completed the race on Saturday 17th September in around 45minutes, admittedly feeling slightly fragile after being at the company day out at Ayr Races the day before!

She said, “It was really muddy but great fun even though I hate dirt! I showered for ages when I got home, I must have washed my hair about 4 times to make sure it was clean!”

Alongside Cathy was her daughter, sister other family members and friends. Cathy said, “I was dancing the night away at the after party at the races the night before so I’m surprised my legs actually worked because I was hardly off the dance floor!”

“Afterwards I felt like I had won an Olympic Medal for Team GB, I was very proud of myself! I’d definitely do it again next year, not only is it great fun but it’s for a brilliant cause. I recommend it to all women!”

Curtis Moore would like to congratulate Cathy and her friends & family for their fundraising efforts!