At Curtis Moore we take great pride in the expertise of our talented team and appreciate the importance of staff development, which is why we continuously invest heavily in training to enhance our skillsets and make sure we are keeping up to date with an ever changing and advancing industry.
Most recently we have undertaken training for our in-house design team with a focus on BIM and Autodesk Revit training through a tailored course for Curtis Moore, specifically geared towards our requirements within the Roofing and Cladding industry.
The tailored course was created and delivered by Digital Guerrilla, a BIM and Digital Information Management consultancy who bring together leading experts in their field to deliver the training. BIM is at the forefront of Government thinking on construction projects across the public sector and the adoption of BIM Level2 where appropriate. Outwith the public sector, the private sector and private clients realise the benefits that BIM can bring to their projects through better collaboration and coordination and at Curtis Moore we make sure we are best positioned to deal with this rising demand.
BIM allows a more collaborative and efficient means of working and delivery of projects, allowing all contractors and designers on a project to work together on the same models to help deliver the project more efficiently and allowing any potential conflicts between different work package to be highlighted earlier on.
Our in-house training focussed on using Autodesk Revit and dealt with all aspects of the design progress for our work packages from initial inception of the design to the full detailing in Revit as opposed to 2D modelling in AutoCAD and to the final outputs delivered to the client for their final construction BIM model. This training is another stepping stone towards Curtis Moore achieving the requirements of BIM Level 2 projects and compliance towards company accreditation such as BRE and BSi.