3 Queensberry Avenue, Hillington, Glasgow, G52 4NL

 0141 883 8222


Supporting our staff’s mental health

Curtis Moore understands the importance of good mental health, particularly in the Construction sector. So, as May is ‘Mental Health Awareness Month’, we’ve made positive steps to make sure our Managers are better equipped to help any members of staff who need support – at any time of the year.

Four of our Managers completed Mental Health First Aid Awareness training; Scott Gilchrist, Jim Hamilton, Brendan McWilliams and Andy Kelly. The feedback was great, and we now have another two Managers – Craig Stirling and Alastair Chapman – booked in for the training next month.

We are also delighted that Jim Hamilton has chosen to undertake further training next month to expand his knowledge and help his guys on site by becoming a qualified mental health first aider. Well done team!